BFP by DPO on your HPT (YKWIM)

Thanks, ShellShockedMama, for the chart and commentary! This is an excerpt from TTCAL FAQ's, also courtesy of ShellShockedMama.

% Positive HPT at x dpo

35% at 10dpo
51% at 11dpo
62% at 12dpo
68% at 13dpo
74% at 14dpo
80% at 15dpo
88% at 16dpo
92% at 17dpo

This is why testing early can be frustrating and disappointing. 65% of pregnant women will get a negative at 10DPO! If you test any earlier than 10DPO, then you've pretty much wasted your pee stick. I've never met anyone --other than when googling-- that ever got a positive test earlier than that. (I think, if they did get a positive at 9DPO or earlier, they probably ovulated earlier than they thought).

Most pee sticks at the store will measure 25 units of the HCG hormone, which is pretty sensitive. Sometimes more sensitive then the ones your doctor has. If you prefer to go to your doctor, say for a blood test, then ask how sensitive the test is. If it measure 100 units of the HCG hormone, you might want to save your co-pay until you're at least 18DPO ish. the dollar store tests are good and they are sensitive, so use them first. if you get a negative, it's only $1.

The Package Says it can detect the HCG Hormone "5 days before missed period" is that true? Yes and No. It's kind of a TTC urban legend that the "average" cycle is 28 days with a 14 day LP. I don't know who started that myth, but it just won't DIE! So, when a test tells you you can test 5 days before your missed period, that's not exactly true. They wrongly assume that you have this average cycle. That you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14. Let's do a little math, yes? So, based on the fallacy I just stated about, subtract 5 from 14, which means that the earliest you should even bother testing (and I still think it's too early, but hey, it's your pee stick) is 9 DPO. SO, if you have an 11 day day LP, you can only test 2 days before your missed period, if you have an 10 day LP, you can only test ONE day before your missed period. Just keep this in mind when you freak out over a BFN b/c you tested early.

What is a Goat?

I'm pretty new myself to TTCAL, but from what I surmise, a goat is an uber-annoying person who stirs up drama on the board by posting drive-by BFP's or any other sort of annoying post. They also seem to be known for the "Am I pregnant?" posts. From wherever the elusive goat resides permanently, make no mistake, they will rear their ugly faces on the TTCAL board from time to time. If you'd like to stamp out these posts, help yourself to a TTCAL Goat Wrangler badge: Giddyup!

Here's the link for the pic: ( - take out the ( )


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