I'll leave this up until The Bump makes me take it down: stolen directly from Nest Anni herself, along with some extras specifically related to TTCAL.
The Bump Community Glossary
2WW - Two-week wait until time to take pregnancy test (approximately 14 days after ovulation)
AE - Alter(nate) Ego
AF - Aunt Flo (menstruation)
AI - Artificial Insemination
AMA - Advanced maternal age
AO - Anovulatory
AP - Adoption Process
AR - Assisted Reproduction
ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology
AW- Attention Wanted (Whore)
BBs - Breasts
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Big Deed (baby making sex), also Baby Dance
BF or BF'ing - Breastfeeding
BFN or BF0 - Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result)
BIL - Brother-in-Law
BIO - The Nest Baby Community Bio
BM - Bowel Movement or Breast Milk
BMB - Birth Month Board
BOTB - Baby On The Brain (The Nest message board)
BRU - Babies R Us Store
BSC - Bat Shit Crazy
BW or B/W - Blood Work
C&P - Copy and Paste
CB - Cycle Buddy
CBEFM - Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor
CD - Cycle day
CDs - Cloth Diapers
CF - Cervical fluid
CH - Crosshairs (on Fertility Friend)
CIO - Cry It Out
CL - Corpus Luteum
CM - Cervical Mucus
CNM - Certified Nurse Midwife
Colpo - Colposcopy
CP - Cervical position
CP: Clicky Poll
CPW: Clicky Poll Wednesday
CVS - Chorionic Villae Sampling
D&C - Dilation and Curettage
DD - Dear/Darling Daughter or Designated Driver
DD - Dirty Delete
DC - Dear/Darling Child
D&E - Dilation & Evacuation
DH - Dear/Darling Husband
DI - Donor Insemination
DPO - Days past ovulation
DS - Dear/Darling Son
E2 - Estradiol
EBF- Exclusively Breastfed
EBM - Expressed Breast Milk
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EFF- Exclusively Formula Fed or Eco-Friendly Family (board)
ENDO - Endometriosis
EOD - Every other day
EP- Exclusively Pump
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
ER - Emergency Room
ET - Embryo Transfer
ETA- Edited to add, or Edit to the Above
EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus
FBF - Fur Baby Friday (sharing your pet photos on Friday)
FC- Future Child(ren)
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
FF or FF'ing - Formula Feeding
FF - Fertility Friend (fertility charting website)
FFS - For F*cks Sake
FH - Fertile Ho (one who gets knocked up without trying)
FI - Fiance(e)
FM - Fertility Monitor
FWP - Fvck With Purpose (baby making sex)
FMU - First morning urine
FP - Follicular Phase
FRER - First Response Early Response
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FTR - For the Record
FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All
FX - Fingers crossed
F/U - Follow-up
FWIW- For What It’s Worth
GBCB/N/K - Goodbye Cruel Bump/Nest/Knot
GOTB - Get off the Board
GMA - Geriatric Maternal Age
GP - General Practitioner
GTKYFB- Get To Know Your Fellow Bumpie
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
H&H - Happy and Healthy
HOM - High Order Multiples
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSC - Hysteroscopy
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram
HTH- Hope That Helps
IB - Implantation Bleeding
IC - Incompetent Cervix, also CI - cervical insufficiency
IC (as in pg test) - immunochormatographic, cheap test in a small strip form. (eg Wondfos)
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IDK - I don't know
IF - Infertility
IHO- In Honor Of
IM - Intramuscular
IMO- In My Opinion
IMHO- In My Humble/Honest Opinion
IR- Insulin Resistant
IRL- In Real Life
ITA- I Totally Agree
IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean
KU- Knocked Up
KTFU - Knocked the F* Up
KWIM - Know What I Mean?
LAP - Laparoscopy
LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LIP - Link in post
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LO - Little one
LP - Luteal phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
MC - Miscarriage
MF or MFI - Male Factor Infertility
MF - Mind Fetus (phantom pg symptoms)
MS - Morning Sickness
MTHFR - Common gene mutation, more info here
MUD- Made Up Drama
NAK - Nursing at the Keyboard
NBR - Not Baby Related
NFO - Not Finding Out (gender)
NFP - Natural Family Planning
NFT - No Further Text
NIP - Nursing In Public
NMS- Not My Style
NP - Nurse Practitioner
NTD - Neural Tube Defect
NWT - New With Tag
O - Ovulation
OB - Obstetrician
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OC - Oral Contraceptives
OHSS - Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
OOT - Out Of Town
OP - Original Poster
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OPT - Ovulation Predictor Test
OTC - Over-the-counter
OV - Ovulation
OWT - Old Wives Tale
P4 - Progesterone
PA - Physician's Assistant
PC - Post-Coital (after sex)
PCO, PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS (POS) - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PCP - Primary Care Physician
PCT - Post-Coital Test
PG - Pregnancy or Pregnant
PI - Primary Infertility
PIAC - Pee In A cup
PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
PIP - Picture in post
PIT - Pitocin
PITA - Pain in the ass
PM- Private Message
PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
PNP- Pack and Play
PNV - Prenatal vitamin
POAS - Pee On A Stick
POMF - Pee on My Fingers
POTW- Picture Of The Week
Pough - Pee+Cough
PP- PostPartum or Previous Poster
PPH - Pink Puffy Heart
PROM - Premature Rupture of Membranes
PSA - Public Service Announcement
PTL - Preterm labor
PZ - PregnantZilla (self-centered pregnant woman)
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
RPL - Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
RSA - Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
S/A - Sperm/semen analysis
SAHD - Stay At Home Dad
SAHM - Stay At Home Mom
SAHW - Stay At Home Wife
SAIFW - Success After Infertility Welcome
SHG - Sonohysterogram
SI - Secondary Infertility
Sniss - Sneeze+piss
SO- Significant Other
S/O - Speaking Of
SonoHSG - Sonohysterogram
STD - Short Term Disability
STTN- Sleeping Through The Night
TAB- Taking a break
TCOYF - Taking Charge of Your Fertility (book)
TI - Timed Intercourse
TIA - Thanks in Advance
TL - Tubal Ligation
TMI - Too Much Information
TR - Tubal Reversal
TRH - Thyroid Releasing Hormone
TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
TTA - Trying to Avoid
TTC - Trying To Conceive
UC - Unassisted Childbirth
US or u/s - Ultrasound
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
V - Vasectomy
VBAC - Vaginal birth after caesarian
VR - Vasectomy Reversal
WAHM/D - Work at home mom/dad
WBC - White Blood Cells
WDYT- What Do You Think
WOHM/D - Work outside home mom/dad
WTEWE - What to Expect When You're Expecting (book)
WTF - What the F*ck
WWYD- What Would You Do
XP- Cross Post (Posted on multiple boards)
YGM- You've Got Mail
YGPM- You've Got a Private Message
YI - Yeast infection
YKWIM- You Know What I Mean?
YWIA - You're Welcome In Advance