What's with all the check-ins?

If you lurk around on TTCAL for a couple days, you'll notice a ton of posts saying there's some sort of check in. They can range from groups of 50 down to a small group of 5 or so.

There are two different kind of check-ins you'll see on the board. One is for larger groups sharing experiences and one is for smaller personal groups who came together rather than doing just "the buddy system".

Women who lost mothers- For any member knowing the difficulties of coping with pregnancy loss or miscarriage without a mother to lean on

Monthly themed group- For the members working toward PgAL and want a new theme each month with badge

Ladies waiting for HCG to drop- For those who know the difficulties of having slowly decreasing betas which may delay your ovulation and start of a fresh cycle

Ladies in waiting- For all those waiting to try again, waiting to ovulate, waiting on testing or start of an IUI or IVF cycle

Mulitple Loss check-in- For any member who has had two losses or more, they are any loss at any point in pregnancy be it a chemical or late loss

There are also groups comprised of smaller numbers who share badges, check-ins, frustrations and give support to each other.

Ten and trying, Rainbow Girls, Naughty Nine, Sweet Mix, 8 Ladies Hoping For Luck, Beyond Appearances and Hope Buddies

Those are most of the one's you'll see pop up. If you'd like to start your own group or ask to join one, don't be afraid. You'll find so many wonderful members looking to support one another.

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